Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 The Beginning.

16 May 2002

The following salient points were noted:

  1. At the behest of the VP HR, Dato' Abdul Rahim Hashim, during a chance meeting with Retiree Tuan Hj Syed Abdullah Aljunid, on 16 May 2002, the proposed idea by PETRONAS MC to form a grouping of PETRONAS ex VPs, Senior and other PETRONAS Retirees, was passed on for Tuan Hj Syed Abdullah to initiate.
  2. Tuan Hj Syed Abdullah identified and gathered several like-minded Retiree individuals, and informally discussed the idea from Dato VP HR.
  3. These identified individuals held several informal meetings and discussed ways of moving forward. 
  4. Many issues had to be addressed which required the individuals to meet often.
  5. Meanwhile a Protem Committee was formed with:                          Dato Idris Mansor and Dato Anwaruddin Ahmad Osman as Advisors, Tuan Hj Mohd Kamil Ismail as Secretary, Tuan Hj Mohd Hada as Treasurer. Other members were Dato Nik Aziz Kamil, Tuan Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Tuan Hj Masri Yusof, Tuan Hj Zainal K Ahmad, Rtd Commodore Thong. Sometime later Tuan Hj Jalil Hassan was also coopted in the committee.
  6. Retirees, like Tuan Hj Md Lias, Phua Hin Lye, V Gopinathan, Hj lbrahim Hassan, Dato’ Dr Rosti Saruono, and a few others also showed interest and attended some of the informal meetings, provided ideas, inputs and suggestions etc. (Yet, some forget they were already Retirees, showed no interest in attending the meetings but left 'instructions' to extend copies of minutes of meetings to them!)
  7. The group was initially called XPET and also at other times referred to as PETRONAS Retirees Fraternity, or just Fraternity.
  8. An iaugural meeting of the Fraternity’s Protem Committee was held on 16 August 2002. Objectives of the Fraternity were loosely discussed at this meeting. 
  9. A formal meeting with PETRONAS Group HRM was held on 10 September 2002 where VP HRM reiterated the broad guidelines for the Fraternity to adopt. These guidelines happen to be in line with the thinking of the Protem Committee at the time.
  10. In general the Fraternity is to start as a loose association of Executive Retirees. Get it going first and ensure maximum participation and involvement of Retirees
  11. At the start, there will only be one category of members, and membership should initially be confined to only Executive Retirees (there were 99 names of Retirees recorded in the list with HRM), and also former VPs and above. Staff who resign (in good accord), and contract staff at the end of their contracts with PETRONAS, may also be accepted as members. 
  12. Fraternity to act as a platform where Retirees can interact, socialise and ‘keep in touch’ amongst themselves while maintaining linkages with PETRONAS staff
  13. Ensure participation and involvement of Retirees in some selected PETRONAS activities
  14. Involving Retirees with valuable experiences and allowing them to provide professional support to PETRONAS when needed
  15. Conduct own Fraternity’s activities, like recreation, golf, qi-gong, visits and outings, tea talks, health talks, and so on
  16. Consider possibility of Fraternity’s involvement and contributions in community service

Start of Activities and Strength of the Fraternity 

  1. Activities of the Fraternity was started and continued with bi-monthly tazkirah sessions.  Venue being rotated in the houses of Senior Retirees. A ‘hat’ was passed around at these tazkirah sessions to raise funds for activities.
  2. For want of a better impact to the strength and recognition of the Fraternity, some members of the Protem Committee visited and invited former VPs and above (Tun Abdullah Salleh, Dato MB Hashim, Dato lsmail Hashim and others), to join the Fraternity while at the time seeking their advise and counsel on the way forward for the Fraternity.  Most were very supportive and encouraging for the Fraternity to move on forward.
  3. YBhg Dato' Wan Ismai, the former VP HR, when approached, consented to being appointed as President of the Fraternity.
  4. After the initial gestation period, the Protem Committee together with the Advisors, at its many follow up meetings (over the next couple of years), identified several issues needing attention:                     a) Funds were required for the Fraternity to move forward.               b) Number of Retirees and xstaff were increasing,                              c) sub-committees were formed for technical and professional support, sporting and recreational activities, spiritual and religious activities and others. 
  5. YBhg Dato Idris Mansor, at a meeting of the Protem Committee on 17 June 2003, advised the committee to reconsider the decision of continuing as a loose Fraternity. There will be many limitations and constraints for the Fraternity to move forward.
  6. Indeed all the issues needing attention as stated in 4 above, when addressed, brought up the main issue of funding. Passing the ‘hat’ around was no more viable.
  7. Some of the activities initiated were:
  8. Tuan Syed Mohammed Syed Jaffar was appointed to lead the Technical and Professional initiatives 
  9. Commodore Thong to lead the sporting and recreation initiatives 
  10. Tuan Hj Masri has, all these time meanwhile, led the spiritual and religious initiatives 
  11. Tuan Hj Hada had continually liased with Group HRM for periodic funding allocations to run all the above activities.
  12. Ad-hoc activities, like tea talks etc. were held as and when necessary. 

Impact and Response to lnitiatives

  1. The Protem Committee was very encouraged by the positive response from Retirees (still young and active l suppose) to participate in the various initiatives above and also the acceptance by the still working Departmental Heads, Managers and Executives, to the Retirees ‘return contributions’ as appropriate.
  2. The Technical and Professional team held discussions with VP Education, Puan Mariam Rahimah, and also with the Heads of INSTEP, Permata, and UTP. The team explored and identified the areas of expertise required, mode of participation by the ‘Expert Retirees’ and the compensation and fee structure, with the aim of reducing dependence on Foreign Consultants and using homegrown expertise instead.
  3. The Recreational and Sporting initiative team concentrated on organising golf outings and bowling. A group visit to UTP was also organised in response to the invitation by Dato Dr. Zainal Kassim. Opportunities to utilise Retirees in part time teaching, as Adjunct Professors, etc was also explored. This initiative was followed up by the technical and professional team. 
  4. Tuan Hj Hada’s relentless efforts and influence to obtain higher allocation of budget from HRM saw better results in the activities and initiatives executed, which also led to better participation by Retirees. Providing lunch following the activities held instead of just drinks became a norm. Meeting venues were more often held in Level 42 and 43 PETT, etc.

Setting Direction of the Fraternity 

  1. Tuan Hj Zainal K and Hj Kamil, realising that the Fraternity may ultimately be overwhelmed with activities, all of which requires funding, a formal way of raising funds became necessary.
  2. The Fraternity, as advised by YBhg Dato ldris Mansor, must be a registered body before it can start collecting fees and other monies on its own. Alternatively and if unregistered, the Fraternity has to ‘latch on’ to PETRONAS for funds.
  3. Tuan Hj Zainal K then made reference to MAS and TNB Alumni constitutions and with the assistance of the secretary, formulate the Fraternity’s own constitution and guidelines.
  4. It was noted that MAS Alumni was provided an annual grant to fund its activities whereas TNB Alumni received huge start-up grants.
  5. Within about six months two versions of guidelines were prepared.                                           a) A formal constitution to be registered with the Registrar of Societies, (ROS), which will give the Fraternity freedom to collect fees, funds, or do business even, in order to generate income for the Fraternity to run its activities.                                                                                         b) An instructional guidelines for the Fraternity to operate, on its own, but exists under the umbrella of PETRONAS, with Group HR its focal point of contact.
  6. The Protem Committee discussed the two versions at great length and came to the following understanding. Version a) gives the Fraternity full freedom and independence to exist on its own but run the risk of being totally detached from PETRONAS. Version b) will make the Fraternity like an extended part of PETRONAS but has to oblige to the ‘dictates’ of PETRONAS while, at the same time,  obtain its own budget, following the normal PETRONAS budget cycle, to fund its activities. There will not be any need for the Fraternity to impose fees on the Retirees. Free membership for ‘approved’ members.
  7. These documents were presented to Dato Ainon Md Wahi, VP HR at that time, in a letter dated 15 June 2005, followed with a meeting on 17 June 2005, seeking counsel and direction on which version of the document was to be adopted. Pros and cons of each of the two versions were presented as well.  

The Decision on the Way Forward 

  1. A feedback was received, albeit verbally, from Dato VP HR office later in the year, that PETRONAS Management was inclined to include the Fraternity under the ambit of Group HR. There is therefore no need to register with ROS.
  2. This decision mark the end of the Protem era and set the stage for formalising the Fraternity, starting with a change of name from XPET or Retirees Fraternity to “PETRONAS ALUMNI” (or just Alumni in short)
  3. Version b) of the constitution was adopted and formalised as Guidelines of PETRONAS ALUMNI or Garispanduan Alumni PETRONAS.
  4. Membership eligibility remained the same as it was during the Protem stage. 
  5. Number of members steadily increased as more staff reached retirement age and agreed to be members when invited. (A membership questionnaire and membership application form were included in each Retiree’s end of service package).
  6. Activities of Aumni were revamped, to allow participation of a wider spectrum of the Retirees, depending on each individual’s interest in the Alumni.
  7. Budget request for Alumni was included as part of HRM annual budget and utilised accordingly. 

Realigning Activities of Alumni

With the advice and decision for the Alumni to continue under the ambit of PETRONAS, its scope and activities were then realigned accordingly. 

  1. Tazkirah sessions were held monthly and at the Dayabumi City Centre Conference Hall or meeting room as the venue depending on  availabity. This activity was very well received and attended. The venue was later shifted to one of the meeting rooms in Level 42 or 43 Twin Towers.
  2. Several tea talks on Health and Wellbeing by Geriatric Specialists, Qi Gong classes by Qi Gong Master, Dr Amir Farid, Spiritual Discussions With prominent University Professors like arwah Tan Sri Dato Dr Kamal Hassan, arwah Dato Dr Hashim Yahya and others were also held at the above venue.
  3. Group HRM organised a Hari Raya luncheon for the Alumni Members and this continued to be an annual event.
  4. It was at this first luncheon event that the Alumni was formally launched. A new Alumni Management was elected. Dato’ Anwaruddin Ahmad Osman  was elected President, Tuan Hj lbrahim Johari as Secretary, Tuan Hj Mohd Hada as Treasurer and several others as Committee members. Dato’ Wan Ismail was elected as Advisor.
  5. Subsequent Elections of Management Committee were held bi-anually at Hari Raya Gathering Luncheon event.

End of Record.

Recorded by:

Hj. Mohd Kamil bin Ismail

Former Secretary, 

Protem Committee


Dated: August 2024

Monday, April 17, 2017

Mother 4 - My 1st Parent/Son 'Heart 2 Heart' Talk

In the late fifties and early sixties, with high respect for elders which was one of a general ethical training given to children of the time, teenagers would not cross the path of their parents and other elders, both literally and physically, and would wait after them. Talking back, interrupting, even personal decorum in their presence were no no's then. That would absolutely be disrespectful. My parents however allowed me alot of freedom, to do things on my own, and make my own decisions, under their watchful eyes notwithstanding. My father, was especially open with his relationships and allowed discussions when necessary.

I had just finished school after passing the Senior Cambridge School Certificate and was at the 'junction' to either further my studies or fit into the job market somewhere. I was then a temporary teacher in a school in Batu Pahat, earning some pocket money for my keep. My father called me one day and in the presence of Mum 'discussed' my future with me. My first 'adult' talk with my parents.

Father of course talked first, and he opened up by asking me how I was coping with my teaching job and whether I enjoy teaching. He went on to say that now that I have finished school I was already an adult and I was free to do whatever I please. I was free to consider and do whatever is right or wrong, weighing and analysing them by myself after all the guidance I have had when in school and in the process of growing up. If to me it was right I was free to do it and if it was wrong then leave it he said. The decision was mine and Father will not interfere. However, he strongly reminded and cautioned me to always be vigilant and in whatever I do and whatever steps I make I must always uphold the family name. I must preserve family tradition and never to blacken the family name, especially Father's and Mum's names and reputation. Father will not volunteer help or advise but will gladly do so if I ask.

Mum had with her a few newspaper cuttings showing various opportunities for me to apply. There was one that she said or thought I would be interested in, that is to be a trained teacher and another to be an apprentice in a bank. I was not interested in either one, and I told them that my interest was in Engineering. Ok they said and left it at that.

A couple of weeks later Mum asked me whether I have done anything to pursue my interest in Engineering. I said no but that I had kept scanning the papers looking for advertisements that would lead me towards that direction. She asked me whether I have asked for Father's assistance. Didn't he tell you that he would not offer help or advise unless I asked, she said. Hmmm, that was my mistake! I should have remembered what Father said. That evening I sat with him after dinner and told him my interest to pursue Engineering and asked for his help. He said he will look into it.

The next evening, after returning from office, Father told me that he had made a couple of phone calls, and that I was to go to Kuala Lumpur the following week and attend an interview for entry into the Technical College. Hmmm, an example of Father knows what to do! (To be continued)

MKI Ramblings Unlimited
Teratak Senyum Simpul

Thursday, September 03, 2015

The month of Syawal, Eidl'Fitri month

The month of Syawal, the celebration for Eid'l Fitri, has been a 'low-key month' for Ramlah and I. We do receive visitors, mostly family members and especially those younger than us, but we hardly go out visiting as is traditionally the practice during Eid month. Our health has not been that good and we had to avoid exerting ourselves. Nevertheless we did manage to make a trip south for several days, mainly to visit my elders. There are not many of them left to visit and I recognise that Ramlah and I have become elders ourselves! Our younger brothers and sisters and their families, nephews and nieces, close relatives, came to visit. Most of them know of our health conditions and although they came as guests  most were ready to help in laying the tables and cleaning up afterwards.

One Saturday, two weeks through Syawal, our children arranged to receive their cousins and close relatives in Teratak Senyum Simpul. I took the opportunity to invite our immediate neighbours as well. It was a day of fun and laughter, plenty of food and drinks, all arranged by the children using food caterers. They even arranged for helpers to come and help clean up. Ram and I did not have to do anything except entertain the guests.

Ram's nephew and nieces:

My nieces:

Immediate neighbour:

My nieces:

Thats my younger brother sporting same hairstyle!!

The 3rd and 4th generation after us!!

Another neighbour, same name with my daughter:
Yuslina & Yuslina

On the last day of Syawal, one of my cousins held an open house in his residence for the  'AliDara Clan'. Ali and Dara were my grandparents.

Sita carrying Faizien Naufal with my cousins:

Plateful of durian seeds!

Home prepared and family recipe: 'roti naik'

Main feature, the durian!

The host Datuk and Datin Khairil Anuar and Rossaya:

Thanks Dato and Datin for being such a gracious host. We all had a good time and meeting relatives all at once was so comforting.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hari Raya 2015 - Family Getaway

Just like last year, when Ram had to go through another cornea transplant on her left eye during Ramadhan, this year's Ramadhan had also been a trying period for her. So was it for me. Both of us had very bad flu and cough and it was tough coping. with the incessant coughs, weezings, and sniffles, pressure was impacted on her eye that some times it became painful for the eyes. But Alhamdulillah, with Allah's blessings, we persevered and managed to perform the necessary obligations, or at least most of them, with very high hope that all our efforts  and prayers are acceptable by Allah and we seek His guidance always.

Then came Syawal and Eid'l Fitri. There was the usual reciting the Eid takbir and doa from house-to-house of our neighbours starting from soon after Isya' prayers and ending at about 1.00am or so. There would be food in every house and most of us would just take a bite or two or otherwise it would be tough overfilling our tummies then. Children especially, my grandchildren included, would enjoy these visits, as apart from eating good food, they will receive raya packets as well. There were easily about 70 children that night. By strange coincidence, five of the houses we visited served pizza and the children enjoyed themselves.

The next day, after Eid prayers and family breakfast, we had the usual rendang with rice cakes and also glutinous rice (ketupat palas) for breakfast, we adjourned to Ram's elder sister's house in Shah Alam for lunch. Lunch was the sister's signature lontong and more rendang.

We decided, breaking from our traditional annual Eid routine, to get away as a family for the Eid holiday period. We chose a place called Kepyok to spend our time together (google 'Kepyok Malaysia' for details), a resort quite a ways from the city, about an hour drive out to a remote area where there are alot of greens and of course serenity.

We spent two nights there, all of us, 2 grandparents, 6 parents and 7 grandchildren. We had the whole resort to ourselves. The resort is owned by a local Malay, Zakaria and his Japanese wife, Yasmin Yoko, who happens to be a very good cook. Tessa, Sita and Yasmin Yoko, had prearranged the menu for all the meals throughout our stay. Yasmin was the main chef and she has a helper to help her in the kitchen, We were all allowed access to the kitchen, encouraged to make ourselves at home, cook ourselves or together with Yasmin if we need to. The children get to make their own pizza and they had much fun! So the meals were Japanese, which everyone of us love, barbecue and pizza, Japanese rice and curry, sushi, a lot of vegetables, fruits, sweets and cakes. Steamed sweet potatoes, red beans soup, featured as snacks together with other snacks which are always on the dining table. Beverages available anytime throughout. 

When not eating the children swim a lot, the pool is always so inviting,
even after a lot of pizza!

When not eating and or not swimming, the children would play with the fish in the pond built around the chalets, or chase after the house cat, ducks and other domestic animals, and run up and down the hill to the gazebo:

For relaxation they woulod play chongkak, board games, monopoly, the piano, or read in the library.

Time well spent, Alhamdulillah.

MKI Ramblings Unlimited
Teratak Senyum Simpul, PJ