Thursday, June 17, 2010

Transforming Teratak Senyum Simpul - The Road, Driveway and House for Wedding

The selection of wedding date was made by the wedding couple, with parents' blessings of course, but there was only three months grace period. At such short notice most of the big halls in town and hotels have been fully booked, some up to one year in advance. We had no choice but to hold the wedding in the house. There are the pros. and cons. to holding the wedding in the house but there is no limit to the number of people we can invite. Halls will be limited. Ramlah and I come from a very big family, and our circle of friends have widened over the years, hence there are more advantages to hold the wedding in the house. We need however to do some transformation. The house has to be spruced up, permission to close the road had to be obtained from the local authority and the police, but most of all permission from the neighbours, especially the close ones, had to be sought since some of their driveways will be blocked during the function, indeed some were blocked for several days.

Plans to transform Teratak Senyum Simpul or 'Hut of Tantalizing Smiles' were put in place. Yup, we have named our house such to invite smiles from one and all who pass through our gate. Preparations for the wedding took several weeks. Tessa herself was the planner and roped in her close friends to help. Son, Shaffik took over a week before the date and that week, preparations were at a fast track but in a controlled pace because all at work were professionals in their own work area. Tents were put up on the road in front of our house and in the compound. Dressing up the house with various decors took several days. Preparing the bridal room and other wedding paraphernalia were similarly paced. Furnitures were moved and our immediate neighbour came to our rescue allowing us to store them in their house. Loose stuff in the halls and other areas in the house were boxed up and stored in the attic. It was hectic, it was busy but still there was proper control.

Here are some pictures of how the house was before and after transformation.

Before Transformation:
The Hall and Dining Area

The Library On Top

The Intended Bridal Room

Many Hands Make Work Easy!!

The Road In Front

The Patio

The Entrance Driveway

The Front Compound

The Road Outside The House

The Tents Coming Up In Stages

Tratak Senyum Simpul / The Hut Of Tantalizing Smiles

Before The Guests Arrive

Transformed Bridal Room

Under The Tent Within The House Compound

Honoured Guests - Amir's Family Members

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