Off we went to town, with me pretending that I do not know the roti chanai restaurant. “I know, I know Tok Bah”, Dedek said, “I will show you” he went on. He proceeded to direct me, turn right here, stop at the traffic light, take this road, this one, this one and so on. But, when we reached the shop it was closed, perhaps because it’s a Friday and a day following the Eid’l Adha holiday. Huh! I said, where shall we go now that the shop is closed? “I don’t know Tok Bah, it is now your choice where to go”, replied Dedek. Babang was quiet, clearly disappointed. I took them to another restaurant that was open and ordered the roti chanai for them. Babang brightened up a bit then. Dedek could really finish his roti telor and roti planta, without much effort! The two little girls did not finish theirs and we had to help them as usual.
The sun was up in the afternoon and the day bright. The kids reminded me of my promise. I took them to the Millennium Park where there are children’s playthings complete with picnic spots, jogging track, and many children already running around. This park is a new one, just about a year old and already there are signs of abuse. Huh! People just can’t respect public facilities. There were graffiti everywhere and broken facilities beginning to show.

I had planned with Sita to take them to Pizza Hut, a popular pizza outlet in town, after the park. The two boys, noticed that I did not take the regular road home, asked where we were going next. I said that I was taking them to the ‘mengaji’ class (that is the quran reading class). They protested saying that there will be no mengaji class until the school reopens. I said that I have arranged for a special class for them. “Noooooh” Dedek said, “You cannot do that, because the mengaji teacher is away”. “I have arranged for you to attend another mengaji class at the PH mengaji school” I said. “PH mengaji school? Where is that?” Babang asked and I replied, “You just wait, I will take you there”. Dedek quietly said, “I think Tok Bah trick us again”. As we approached the restaurant Dedek said that this is the way to Pizza Hut. I said, “No, this is the way to the PH mengaji school”. Dedek and Babang exclaimed that yeah there is Pizza Hut. “Are we going to Pizza Hut Tok Bah” Babang asked, and dedek said, “Yeah, Tok Bah trick us again”. Hmmmm a little suspense for the kids makes the pizza taste better for them, perhaps. The two little girls were equally excited at going to Pizza Hut, and they seem to be wanting every pizza on the menu……. Ha ha ha….. kids…… never a dull moment…..
MKI Ramblings Unlimited,