Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life Dreams and Achievement

Dinosaurs – the giant animal that lived and survived in the jungles million years ago. Big in size, strong and ever intimidating. They are territorial, take control and will not compromise. Some of the specie are carnivorous, some vegetarian and they fight to protect their perceived rights. Because of their size and strength they were arrogant and conceited. They damage the environment and slowly destroy their source of food and ultimately became extinct. They did not realize that when they die they were food for the ants, insects and worms, and their bodies rot on the very ground that they forget to look at when they were alive, just because they kept their heads very high up in the air. They finally end up having their bones displayed in museums all over the world!

The ‘dinosaurs’ is a study of status, of power and strength, of how these influence attitude. If only the realization of how life ends is factored into the equation then attitude will change from arrogance to humbling. No need to act privileged, to intimidate and show off, to humiliate and downgrade. Lead by setting good examples without expecting recognition which will actually come in due time…..

My wish for the future is for the ‘Leaders’ that be to come down on earth and act real. No artificial pretences, no make-beliefs and negativity. All of us have jobs to do, responsibilities to take care of and lifelong dreams to strive for. There are no short cuts to all of them. It is only hard work to achievement. May the Almighty continue to provide guidance always……..

MKI Ramblings Unlimited
Petaling Jaya

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