Friday, July 21, 2006

Visit to University Technology PETRONAS Mosque

A first glance at the picture, without reading the caption, one would imagine a ship or a large seagoing vessel. It is a unique picture of the University Technology PETRONAS mosque that was officially opened a week ago. A ceremony officiated by Royalty with the presence of 'top guns' of PETRONAS, retirees included, local officials, residents and the local community. The actual view showed the mosque as standing over water with the water cascading in a fall into the pond below. The site where the university was built was actually an abandoned tin mine with large ponds or small lakes. It was good aesthetic sense to design the mosque such and giving the impact of running water under the building. Water is actually pumped up to the level of the mosque from the pond and circulated. The view at night I was told, with lights reflecting in the cascading water, gives the mosque a fairyland impression.

Another External View of the Mosque

Viewing the mosque from a distance one cannot miss noticing the imposing main dome with its unique pattern over the main prayer hall and the smaller white domes, 80 of them to be exact, spread over the outer sheltered prayer area. These, coupled with a multitude of pillars at the sides of the sheltered prayer area, all identical in design, white and bright, impress and pleases the senses. On approaching the main entrance one will notice the clearly thought out zones and division of areas. Provision of facilities for cleansing oneself with proper storage and washing cubicles and modules give one the feel of relaxation and attune one's mind to the job at hand, that is preparing oneself for submission to the Almighty. Having done with cleansing and ablution, on entering the main prayer hall, one will be captivated with the unique design on the fascia made of carved shiny stones, icy light green and interspersed with tinges of brown, the protruding pulpit, the half bowl shaped front portion where the Imam leads the congregation in prayer. Verses from the Holy Quran, carved all around the inner rim of the main dome and at certain selected parts of the fascia, were selected to impress upon the readers the virtues of knowledge befitting the role of the mosque providing innerself tranquility to enable the seeking of knowledge in a university campus. The guide book says, quote "The verses that adorn the interior are Quranic verses exalting the virtues of "ilmu" or knowledge and of knowledge being the light that illuminates darkness" unquote.

An interesting feature provided at the mosque is the immediate English translation of the text of the sermon given by the Imam projected onto a screen infront for the benefit of the international members of the congregation.

A view of the Main Prayer Hall, the Fascia, and the Projection Screen

Note: The above pictures were taken from the UTP guide book.

MKI Ramblings Unlimited,
Petaling Jaya


Afifah said...

I've been hearing only good stuffs from my friends in UTP. I guess it's easy for people to forget how much contribution Petronas had made towards the development of the nation...especially in the education sector

MKI Ramblings Unlimited said...

Thanks Afifah for your comments. Yes, the facilities provided are really superb. This visit I made was for the opening of the mosque. Tok Bang and I visited UTP a few months back and while touring the facilities we had the urge to go back and study. That's how inviting everything were!! So much different when compared to the facilities made available to us in our student days... some 45 years ago!! Ooooh that longgggg!!

It is my wish that the current and future generation will not let these facilities and the opportunity accorded to them go to waste.

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